Thursday, May 20, 2010

Michigan Bible Quiz 2010

The quiz was awesome! it was so much fun. Some of y'all might be wondering 'whats Bible quizzing?' so I'll tell you how we do it. Okay, we memorize a book of the Bible (this year was 1 Corinthians), we go to a Church to quiz. To quiz, there are two tables connected. One side is one team, the other side, well, the other team. There is a 'buzzer box' in the middle of the table and mini buzzing things connected to it that spread out to each team sides. Everyone takes a buzzer in their hand. The question asker (quiz master) starts to ask a question. We buzz in whenever we feel that we know it. (we can buzz in the middle of the question or wait till its finished, but if you don't wait for it to be finished you would have to finish it yourself the right way.) Each correctly answered question gives ya 20 points, wrongly answered questions minus 10 and then the question goes to the person on the other team, opposite whoever buzzed. If a person answers the question that the other person did wrong, it gives them 10 points, but if they get that one wrong it does nothing.
Quizzing out is when you answer five questions correctly (throw overs don't count). If you answer all five questions without getting anything wrong, you get a bonus. If you get one question wrong yet you answered five right, you get no bonus.
Getting three wrong will make you frozen, meaning you can't buzz in. But you can get throw overs.
There are 20 questions in each quiz, but if you tie there's 5 more questions. Team with highest points at end wins.
Our team name this year was 'Furious Five Crocodiles Wearing Santa Clause Hats'. I was Master Tigress :)
So ya, that's Bible Quizzing.

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