Saturday, November 6, 2010


Hey, just decided to not continue this blog. You may be thinking, "What? NO!!!!" but don't worry! I made a new one, ALMOST exactly like this one. It just has a different web name thing.... on this one you type in, on my new one its . Why am I doing this? Because I don't like typing in such a long blog name to get to my blog. I know, strange reason. So, yeah, follow me on my other blog if you'd like :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

sorry everyone, that video that i posted (below) doesn't work because i'd have to upload it to utube first, and who wants to do that?! oh well.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Michigan Bible Quiz 2010 video :)

Michigan Bible Quiz 2010

The quiz was awesome! it was so much fun. Some of y'all might be wondering 'whats Bible quizzing?' so I'll tell you how we do it. Okay, we memorize a book of the Bible (this year was 1 Corinthians), we go to a Church to quiz. To quiz, there are two tables connected. One side is one team, the other side, well, the other team. There is a 'buzzer box' in the middle of the table and mini buzzing things connected to it that spread out to each team sides. Everyone takes a buzzer in their hand. The question asker (quiz master) starts to ask a question. We buzz in whenever we feel that we know it. (we can buzz in the middle of the question or wait till its finished, but if you don't wait for it to be finished you would have to finish it yourself the right way.) Each correctly answered question gives ya 20 points, wrongly answered questions minus 10 and then the question goes to the person on the other team, opposite whoever buzzed. If a person answers the question that the other person did wrong, it gives them 10 points, but if they get that one wrong it does nothing.
Quizzing out is when you answer five questions correctly (throw overs don't count). If you answer all five questions without getting anything wrong, you get a bonus. If you get one question wrong yet you answered five right, you get no bonus.
Getting three wrong will make you frozen, meaning you can't buzz in. But you can get throw overs.
There are 20 questions in each quiz, but if you tie there's 5 more questions. Team with highest points at end wins.
Our team name this year was 'Furious Five Crocodiles Wearing Santa Clause Hats'. I was Master Tigress :)
So ya, that's Bible Quizzing.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I did NOT come from a monkey!!!!

Hey everybody, I am a person. Also, I am a rock that got rained on for millions of years and turned into soup, that turned into a fish, i think, then the fish grew legs and.... it became a bird or a monkey..... then the monkey.... turned into.... a person? Okay, I was a little confused when someone said I was a rock, but now I'm REALLY confused! How could all of this just happen? it couldn't have. And better yet, it didn't. My proof that it didn't? hey, got any proof that it did?!? I got some proof that it didn't anyways, if the fish turned into a monkey, or bird, wheres the missing link? sure they found bones, but those could be bones to any person, and the bones were only about a foot underground. if it were to have happened millions of years ago, the bones would be WAY beneath us! My second fact of proof, (if that's what you would like to call it) why are there so many different stories? Some people say "over 200 million years ago" others, "over 100 billion years ago". is the earth really aging at such a high rate of speed that it goes from a million years to billion years in less then two years? Third fact of proof, (I got this one from a creationist that we watch) the moon gets further away from us every year. If the world were really millions or billions of year old, the moon would have had started out touching the earth. It wouldn't be able to get back into space.
Now, some of you may be thinking "Well what do YOU believe?" I'll tell you what I believe. I believe that 6,000 years ago God created the Heavens and the earth, then came sin. the earth got so sinful God sent a flood and saved only Noah and his sons and their wives. They repopulated the earth but we all still have sins.
So, God sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to the world. Jesus lived a perfect life. And although satin tempted Him to do wrong, Jesus didn't fall for temptation. Then, Jesus died on the cross for our sins. It was our sins, OUR SINS, that nailed Him to that cross. Jesus was in the grave for a day. Then another day. and then, on the third day, on the Sunday morning, Jesus rose from the grave, HE IS ALIVE! Just like He said, He would rise from the dead, now He is alive. and He stayed on earth for forty more days then went to heaven in the clouds. We can now go to heaven too. How? All you have to do is Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. Ask Jesus into your heart. Admit to Him you are a sinner (we all are) in need of a Savior, admit He is Lord, ask Him to come into your heart and forgive you of all your sins, tell Him you believe that He died and rose again for us and He is the ONLY way to heaven, admit He is the Son of God.
It is really that simple. Just that simple prayer and you're on your way to heaven, (when you die or when the rapture happens) (rapture is when Jesus comes back in the clouds to take all of us Christian to heaven). any questions please comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks for reading!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Publishing books

My sister just found a cool website that allows you to publish your own books and sell them in..... some book store I guess. It will be a great way for me to start my book selling company!! The first book I will publish will be Midnight Tornado, and its gonna be AWESOME!

Monday, January 25, 2010

NEW POST!!!!! :D

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while.... ok, in a long LONG time. I've been busy with school and Bible quizzing..... ok, yes, I HAVE been playing computer games. Mostly toon town :P Anyways, enjoy these random pictures that I found in the picture folder :D

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Gingerbread houses

Rachelle's house (top)
Mariah's house (up)
Drew's house (above)

My gingerbread house (right there)

Gingerbread houses

Gingerbread houses rock! One day Liz just felt like making some gingerbread houses, so we got the stuff and started our houses. Our dad was the judge (I won!) I got best over all. (This is Liz's house)


Do you like waffles? Do you like pancakes? Do you like french toast? CAN'T WAIT TO GET A MOUTH FULL! WAFFLES!

New blog!

Howdy everyone who is reading this boring post! Welcome to my new blog! After I finally thought of a name for it :) Please enjoy my Center of the Universe.